Polyscias Fruticosa
Polyscias Fruticosa

    Polyscias Fruticosa

    Rs. 360.00


      Ming Aralia, or Polyscias fruticosa, is an evergreen air-purifying perennial shrub that is native to the tropical regions of India and Polynesia. An exotic addition to your ornamental houseplant collection, it looks beautiful with its ferny feathery leaves, graceful narrow branches and healthy bright green foliage. All this gorgeousness requires a little more effort than usual when it comes to its upkeep -a nice tropical environment would help it thrive.

      Additional Information

      Our plants are shipped in biodegradable planters made of Molded Pulp. You can choose from one of our handcrafted ceramic planters or reuse an old planter in your home.

      Care Instructions

      Bright Indirect sunlight

      Morning sun can do it well, but avoid the direct harsh afternoon light

      Does well indoors as well as in the shady outdoor patches

      Rich soil with good drainage Keep the soil moist, not soaked

      Overwatering and stagnant water lead to root rot

      Mist the plant regularly as it thrives well in humidity

      Mildly toxic to Humans and Pets


      SIZE: up 6 inches
      WEIGHT: 300gms